How Can I Track My Order

After placing the order, many people want to keep track of the delivery status. You can try any of the below steps to achieve that.

Channel 1:You can click Check Order Status , then enter the order number and phone/email, or select enter tracking number to get the latest news about your order.

The following are three queries that will be displayed when your order is successfully paid:


Channel 2: Click the "Track Order with Aftership" button and enter your phone number,you'll receive a text with a link to the AfterShip app to help track your orders.


Channel 3:You can also click "Download Shop to Track Package"(There are two ways to download, you can use your phone to scan the QR code or fill in the phone number to get the link.) to track your order status information after the order is created.


Channel 4:Click on the "Get shipping Updates by text" button and then enter your phone number, you'll get shipping and delivery updates by email.
